
Dragon Rider MV

Dragon Rider MV
Character: Zero, Itachi, Wizard, Roxas (organization 13)
type: serious cool style mv

estimate time shooting: 3 hour

8.00 am meet at pending shop near klinik that area, those no car pls inform me.
8.15 start shoot, till 8.45 switch to 2nd place
9.00 at stutong garden shoot, 9.45 done.
9.45 back home make up for itachi switch character.
10.15 done went 3rd place shoot, finish at 11.00

Fighting Part

Under Pending Bridge
Zero and Wizard Fight
Thing to ready: double gun

1. Zero jump from the bridge,,
(use cheat view, zero just 原地跳下就可,但下来时手要按地板,表示跳下来是冲力大). then slowly stand up and walk few step
2. Wizard slow slow walk with cool style.
3. Zero take out his 2 guns, start to shoot infront
4. wizard siam and 空间移动
(use cheat view, wizard suddenly dissapear and appear at right, left, right left...more and more close)
5. Zero change his shooting style,手交叉, shoot like devil may cry style.
6. wizard stop at middle, 念咒语,手比<
(use fire effect, make him like casing fire wall magic)


Stutong Japan Garden
Roxas and Itachi Fight
Thing to ready: Keyblade, Kunai, Shuriken

*before that, shoot of change screen, from the tree upper to down floor till roxas there.
1. Roxas walk with cool style, slowly.....at jungle
2. Itachi appear at behind tree
3. Roxas feel that somone is following
him, turn his head look back
4. but the tree no more ppl,
5. Roxas finally reach the destination.
He go infront a tree, like wishing something there, closing his eyes slow look at upper. very emo this part
6 suddenly........itachi appear at back trying to throw a shuriken
7. Roxas 感觉不妥,faster siam away.
8. shoooooouuup.. a shuriken lying over, and stab on that tree....(use cheat view)
9. Itachi hiding again, Roxas 拿起武器原地来回转圈,看四周
10 Itachi appear rush to roxas there, try to attack him with kunai, but roxas挡着with his keyblade
11. the both 弹开, itachi trying to use his tactic 月照(i forgot that tactic name what liao.. damage ppl mind that one)
手接印, and his eyes from black change to red (use cheat view, take photo at here, use photoshop edit, slot in video)
12. Roxas start to head pain.

Fill In part

Thing to ready: printed lyrics

Place: Under Pending Bridge + glass there
1. all stand cool cool there no move, just camera move in line
2. all slow walk together in same line under bridge, a big dark d area
3. some sit some stand at glass there.
4. from down view to up, shoot person 1 by 1, with only blue sky and bridge in background.
5. all posing with their weapon, camera move round them.

Cool and simple act
1. from short to talk, stand in one line, hand from left to right.

Lip sync part, itachi pls change costume~ to FF 13

3. Itachi Lip sync full song, at lease 3 times. will zoom near.
dont worry, got lyric see, will use hp play the song too. (place at studong garden that japan house)

Guitar Part
Will find real guitarist for this part.